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Base64 Encoder

Base64 encoding is a popular way for applications to share data by converting bytes into human-readable characters.

About the Base64 Encoder & Decoder tool

This online base64 encoder and base64 decoder allows you to convert plain text to and from the base64 encoding.

Use Cases

Use the Base64 Encoder & Decoder tool on Solid Tools for Developers to:

  • Convert plain text into base64 encoding to test applications that require base64-encoded text
  • Convert base64-encoded text back into plain text to debug an application's response


To encode plain text into base64-encoded text, type or paste the text into the first text-area (labelled "plain-text string") and click the "Encode" button. The base64-encoded string will appear in the second text-area.

To decode base64-encoded text back into plain text, type or paste the text into the second text-area (labelled "base64-encoded string") and click the "Decode" button. The plain-text string will appear in the first text-area.